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What is energy healing?

We are more than just a physical body. The body that we know is supported by a subtle, yet very complex structure called the energy field (the aura).

This energy field can be compared to the template of what we believe to define who we are: our bodies, our thoughts, our emotions, our relationships, our habits, and so on. 


Exactly like our physical body, our energy field contains 'organs', called chakras, in charge of keeping us energised and healthy.


When the chakras are healthy and aligned, our energy field is perfectly nourished, and we experience a joyful and exciting life.

When chakras are blocked, our aura weakens, providing us with less energy, which negatively impacts our body, thoughts, emotions and life circumstances.

Energy healing is a holistic approach to release the energy blocks clogging our chakras. Blocks creates difficulties into our life such as physical pain, diseases, fears, lack of purpose, anxiety, depression, burnout, addictions, relationship issues,...


By releasing these blocks, a healer helps rebalance your system so you can finally experience your full potential and create the life that you have been longing for.

Is energy healing for you?

What is energy Healing?
  • Do you feel that your life is passing by, wishing it could be so much more?

  • Do you long for change, but do not know which direction to take?

  • Are you in pain or discomfort, and can't find relief?

  • Are you hitting the same road block over and over again?

Sounds familiar? 

Energy healing could be the solution you have been looking for.

I deeply believe that life is meant to be joyful and fulfilling, including yours.


You already have all the resources in you.
You simply need a little help to activate them.


Energy healing in London

And this is what I am here for 

Here are some of the challenges I have helped my clients overcome:


  • Stress/anxiety

  • Depression

  • Burn out

  • Relationship issues

  • Family dynamic

  • Lack of purpose /direction


  • Lack/low sexual desire

  • Lack of pleasure

  • Fears & blocks

  • Pain

  • Traumas


  • Sleep

  • Digestion

  • Chronic pain

  • Migrains

  • Back pain


  • Infertility

  • Miscarriages & abortions

  • Pregnancy follow-up

  • Post-partum follow-up

My approach

As a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner (see below), a session with me is mostly dedicated to hands-on energy work,  where you can relax and enjoy this moment for yourself. 

How do I work


A session with me usually starts with a consultation where we try to get more clarity on the difficulties you are facing. This helps you gain more awareness and prepare your energy field for the next step.


I will then invite you to lie down, fully clothed, on a massage table (in-person) or wherever you feel comfortable at home (remote healing), and start working on your energy field. As an in-person client, you will feel my hands applying pressure on specific points of the body. If you rather not being touched, I will work over your body, without making contact.


During the energy work, you will most likely experience a deep state of relaxation. Physical sensations or emotional releases may also occur.


At the end of the session, I will share insights and useful guidance including possible suggestions to help you integrate the work and support your growth. We will also schedule the next session, if necessary.

Book your FREE initial consultation & ask me all your questions

Brennan healing London

Practical information


  • 30-minutes initial consultation: FREE

  • 1 hour-session ONLINE: £70 / 80€ 

  • 1 hour-session IN-PERSON: £80

  • The full payment is due prior to the session, unless agreed otherwise.

New clients

  • We will start with a 30-minute FREE online consultation, without commitment. This will give us the opportunity to get to know each other and to answer your questions.

  • FIRST SESSION: Please read, fill in and sign the Client intake form and the Treatment agreement. Kindly send these documents back to me at least 48 hours before your appointment. It will help me prepare for the session.

  • Sessions are available in French and in English.

Existing clients

  • My door is always open! You can book your next online or in-person 1-hour session here.

In-person session

Online session

  • A Zoom link will be sent to your email address right after you booked.

  • Please access the Zoom link 5 minutes ahead of the booked time.

  • Make sure that your device is charged and that notifications are turned off.

  • More information about online session can be found in the FAQ below.

Cancellation policy

  • In-person: 
    A session cancelled less than 48 hours prior the appointment time is due in full.
    If you cancel at least 48 hours in advance but have paid already, the amount will be used towards your next appointment.

  • Online: 
    A session cancelled less than 24 hours prior the appointment time is due in full.
    If you cancel at least 24 hours in advance but have paid already, the amount will be used towards your next appointment.

Brennan Healing Science

Brennan Healer London

Brennan Healing science is a unique and highly precise modality supporting your journey towards health, through energy work, body awareness and emotional awareness.


This very specific method has a direct and powerful impact on all aspects of your being, transforming your relationship with yourself and with others.


Brennan Healers go through an intensive 4-year  training course that includes healing science, psycho-development, anatomy and physiology and personal development.


Find out more about this modality here.


I don't know anything about energy healing, can I still book a session with you?

Absolutely! A treatment with me doesn't require any type of pre-existing knowledge. I will make sure I explain how it works and will gladly answer all of your questions. 

How many sessions do I need?

There isn't a straight answer to this question.  Each client has his/her own rhythm and evolves in a very unique way. At the end of each session, we will assess where you are at and schedule the next appointment accordingly.

Do I need to have a session every week?

That again varies from client to client. If your condition is acute, I might recommend weekly sessions for a short period of time. Otherwise, I usually suggest to leave at least 10 days between sessions to allow your body and field to integrate the work that has been done.

Would I see a change right after my first session?

You might! Some clients only need one session to experience a substantial shift in their condition. More commonly, it takes 2 to 3 sessions for clients to notice a change. However, you will most likely feel more relaxed right after your first session.

Can I see you instead of my doctor?

No. If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition, energy healing can't replace your medical treatment and follow-ups with your doctor. Additionally, energy healing can't be used to diagnose any type of medical conditions. However, energy healing wonderfully compliments medical treatments you may be receiving, by mitigating side effects and supporting your body and energy system.

Does an online session really work?

Absolutely! Online sessions (or remote healing) are as effective as in-person sessions, and quite convenient to fit into your busy schedule. The main difference is the physical aspect. Some clients prefer to be in a neutral environment for their session and appreciate the feeling of physical contact. It all depends on your personal preferences, and where you live. 


How can you work on me if we are not in the same room?

Energy healing works with vibrations, intention, focus and a deep connection between the healer and the client. These components are not 'materialized' as such, and therefore not attached to a physical location. Have you ever heard a mother who knows that their children are in danger without being near them? Mother and child have developed a strong connection and therefore have access to each others vibration, regardless of where they are. The same principle applies to remote healings. As we get in touch with each other, I will have access to your unique vibration (your energy field) and will be able to support you along your healing path.

More questions? Email me!

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