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What is Rapid Transformation 

A bespoke 
intensive session
to transform your life

In this signature approach, I combine the best of coaching, energy healing and NLP to support you overcome  your problem resulting in actionable solutions.


A RT coaching session lasts  90 minutes and is designed to help you unlock any difficult situation you may be facing.

How does it work? 


We will start by exploring in-depth what the issue is and: 

  • clearly identify what is holding you back

  • help you shift your perspective

  • get rid of old fears and limiting beliefs

  • develop tailor-made solutions

  • build the confidence to implement them.


I will then invite you to lie down in a quiet space, and simply relax while receiving an energy healing. This second part will allow you to:  

  • clear fears, blocks, old beliefs from your system

  • deeply integrate a more positive and confident mindset

  • feel relaxed for the rest of your day.


Right at the end or soon after the session, you will receive tailor-made follow-up exercises designed to: 

  • strengthen the positive changes made during the session

  • boost your confidence 

  • support you in taking inspired actions.


Depending on your needs, follow-up exercises could take the form of recorded guided meditation, visualisation practice, journaling, mood board, movements, etc. 

Interested in knowing more? 



RT Coaching is for you if... 

  • You feel stuck in a dead-end situation

  • You have an important decision to make

  • You are blocked by fears, negative self-talks

  • You struggle in your relationships

  • You are stuck in a negative pattern

  • You don't achieve what you aim for

  • You want to see rapid changes in your life

  • You are ready to let go of what is blocking you

  • You want to free your potential

  • You want to build a happier life

  • You want to achieve your dreams

Book your session RIGHT NOW


Elise, Paris

Before working with Marie I struggled with self-confidence.

Today, I am convinced of my worth and I know what I am capable to achieve.

Orange Blossom

Louise, London

As a result of working with Marie, I have broken away from old belief patterns and can now engage with life with a lighter, brighter more positive perspective. I feel excited for what is to come!


Letty, UK

 I really felt I could be open and honest throughout my time with her. I made shifts in my life and I credit that to the work with Marie!

Why is it so efficient? 

  • Because it is 100% tailor-made for you. Throughout the session, I use my intuition and the many tools that I have acquired to bring you exactly what you need.  NO SCRIPT, NO ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL, ONLY YOU. 

  • Because this 3-in-1 formula directly taps into your subconscious where all changes are possible.

  • Because solving once piece of the puzzle is often enough to create a new realitywe will break down a problem to identify the core issue and will transform it by designing an action plan and planting the seed of a new reality in your energy system.

  • Because I deeply believe in you. And I don't believe in hopeless situations. You have all the resources in you, you just need to activate them.  


Eager to try? 

Book your session


Marie held the space in such a gentle way, allowing me time to talk about what was on my mind, consider her questions and guide me back when I went off course.


I felt so safe and heard, allowing me to explore and come to my own conclusions, not pushing me to do anything I felt strong resistance with, instead exploring why I felt resistant. I can’t recommend this beautiful soul enough. Thank you Marie.

Mel, UK

Energy healing or
RT Coaching ? 

It really depends on your needs.

An RT Coaching session is the best choice if:

  • You need/wish to spend more time talking things through

  • You are facing a clear and specific problem

  • You want a more intensive, goal-oriented approach

  • You want faster results.

An Energy healing session is the best choice if:

  • You need/wish a more relaxing time, where you can fully let go, without talking too much

  • The issue is broader or you can't really define or find the source of what is going on

  • The problem seems to be more physical or emotional rather than mindset related. 

life coach London online

As you gain more awareness on the issue you are facing, your needs may change and the other format might be more appropriate. You can alternate the 2 formats as you wish. I might also suggest you one or the other based on what appears to me as the best format for you. 

Need more guidance?

Practical information


  • 90-min session + tailor-made follow up exercise: £120 / 130 € 


If you are unsure if this format is for you, book your free call with me and let's find out. 

If you know you are at the right place, book your RT Coaching session here.

Access your booking

A Zoom link will be sent to your email address upon your booking. 

Simply click on the link a few minutes before the beginning of the session. 


In-person sessions are available upon request.

Cancellation policy

  • A session cancelled less than 48 hours prior the appointment time is due in full.

  • If you cancel at least 48 hours in advance, but have paid already, the amount will be used towards your next appointment.


What is coaching? 

Coaching can be described as a conversation between a coach and a client, exploring a specific problem that prevents the client from achieving a specific goal. Coaching is not therapy as it doesn't focus on the client's past. It also differs from counseling as coaching is based on the assumption that the client has all the resources and the capacity to create the best solutions for him/herself.  

What coaching looks like with me? 

Each Coach has his/her very own style. My coaching style is very intuitive and client-driven. Depending on your needs, we may spend the first part of the session simply talking, or I may guide you through a meditation, a visualisation, a breathing exercice,... I will always respect your flow and will tailor-make the session for you.   

What is NLP? 

NLP stems for Neuro Linguistic Programming. The assumption behind NLP is that the way we talk, act, and see the world is widely influenced by our very unique belief system. This belief system is originally formed during our childhood were we build our first conclusions about life. Some of the beliefs that we have developed at such a young age can negatively affecting us. NLP offers techniques to replace these original beliefs with more positive and supportive ones in order to transform our lives for the better. 

Would one session of RT Coaching be enough for me?  

The more specific the issue is, the faster it can be overcome. Typically, one session is often enough to notice profound changes. 

If the issue is broader, we will break it down in small pieces that may require several sessions. 

Do you need more information? Email me!

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